Monday, April 25, 2011

Spicy squash bean burgers

It’s barbecue time here in the UK! We’ve had gorgeous weather for the past week or two which has coincided really nicely with the easter bank holidays.

For a squashy twist on the run of the mill beanburger veggies are so often served up, try these. They’re really easy, tasty, and freeze well, so you can whip one and whack it on the grill if needed in an emergency (!). Load them up in freshly baked baps with homemade guacamole (or perhaps some coleslaw made with red cabbage and fennel) and enjoy alfresco eating.

Makes 4 large burgers

For the burgers

About 250g squash, cubed and steamed for about 10-12 minutes until soft
1 tin kidney beans
1 red onion and a clove of garlic, chopped and softened in a little oil for 5-10 mins
Juice of about half a lime
About half an egg, beaten (use the rest in the butternut squash gnocchi!)
Spices: I used 1 tsp cumin, ½ tsp chilli flakes, 1 tsp ground coriander and about 2 tsp smoked paprika, but use whatever you prefer to your taste
Herbs: coriander is great – dried is fine (1-2 tsp) or fresh (1-2 tbsp) and oregano would also be good
Salt and pepper

Homemade guacamole

1 avocado
Other half of the lime juice
1 small tomato, chopped small
Coriander, dried (1/2 tsp) or fresh (1 tbsp)
Chilli if liked

To make the burgers, stick the steamed squash (make sure any excess moisture is drained/patted off) onion and beans in a food processer and whiz round for a few pulses. You want to keep some texture, but ensure it sticks together well. Add the herbs, spices, seasoning and lime juice, and taste. Adjust if necessary and then add the egg.

At this point you might need to add some dry ingredient if your squash has retained a lot of water (a couple of tablespoons at first until you’ve got the right texture) – try breadcrumbs, gram flour or plain flour. The texture you’ll need will depend on how you’re cooking them – I haven’t tried barbecuing them yet, but I think they’d need to be a bit drier and more closely packed so they don’t fall through the grill.

Now shape into burgers – you might need to dust your work surface with a little flour depending on the tackiness of the ‘dough’. Shape into 4 or 6 depending on how many you’re cooking for and how hungry you are. Then cover and chill for about 20 mins until you’re ready to cook.

They can definitely be cooked in the oven (180 for 15 minutes) or fried on the hob (8 minutes each side), both of which I’ve tried and work really well. Try on the barbecue too!

The guacamole is a nice treat if you can get hold of some avocado – to make it just mash up the avocado and combine with the other ingredients.

Serve with a squeeze of fresh lime and some warm seeded baps.

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