Sunday, February 27, 2011

A week of coloured soups...

Soup making isn't rocket science - just bung some stuff in a pan and simmer it for a bit then either eat with lumps and all or blitz - but still, there's probably nothing more comforting than a warm bowl of soup.

This week, I've had almost a rainbow of soups - bright pink beetroot and celeriac, deep grey mushroom, and a 'using up' golden orange rooty soup. I think beetroot and celeriac work really well together, and the soup really has the most wonderful colour that the photo doesn't do justice. I went travelling to Russia in the latter part of last year, and I found this soup really took me back to the beetroot and sour cream cuisine (!) that we encountered there. Here's the recipe.

2 beets, peeled and cut into smallish cubes
About half a celeriac, peeled and cut into chunks
An onion, chopped
Veg stock - about 1 litre
Creme fraiche

As with most soups, start with sweating the onion in a bit of olive oil for 10 mins or so to soften but not colour. Add in the celeriac and cook for a few minutes. Then add the beetroot and the stock (just use enough to cover the vegetables), turn down to a low heat and simmer for about 50 minutes, or until the vegetables are soft. Puree to a smooth texture, season and grate nutmeg in to taste. Add a couple of tablespoons of creme fraiche and stir well. Add more stock if needed to achieve the desired consistency. Eat with rye bread or other dense and nutty bread.

1 comment:

  1. Love the look of this. Would consider lifting it slightly with a scattering of fresh herbs too.. dill perhaps?
